From arts and culture to creative entrepreneurship and sectoral capacity building, the Kivalliq region is a nexus of economic opportunity. Photo: Tony Eetak.

Procurement Assistance Canada Upcoming Webinars

Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC) is a division of Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) that supports businesses through their supplier journey in Federal Government procurement.

The Government of Canada’s (GoC) vision is for an open, fair, and inclusive procurement process in which stakeholders are engaged proactively across all regions of Canada and enabled to participate in, and benefit from, federal procurement opportunities. The GoC is also committed to giving diverse businesses access to compete for government contracts. PAC supports this commitment by engaging the diverse business community and sharing opportunities.

We have connected with you as partners in the past and have some new opportunities to share with you and your networks.

We are hosting virtual webinars covering topics related to the government’s procurement process to assist suppliers, entrepreneurs and innovators in their federal procurement journey. Dates, times, and registration links, as follows:

Wednesday 12 June 2-3 pm MDT – Introduction to Federal Procurement: The Basics of Selling to the Government of Canada
Introduction to Federal Procurement: The Basics of Selling to the Government of Canada –

Thursday 20 June 2-3 pm MDT – How the government buys what you sell
How the government buys what you sell –

Monday 24 June 2-3 pm MDT – Innovation Defense Excellence and Security (IDEaS) Program
Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) Program –

Tuesday 25 June 2-3 pm MDT – Finding Opportunities and Registering as a Supplier
Finding Opportunities and Registering as a Supplier –

Wednesday 03 July 2-3 pm MDT – Supplying Professional Services to the Government of Canada
Supplying professional services to the Government of Canada –

Thursday 11 July 2-3 pm MDT – Bidding on Opportunities
Bidding on Opportunities –

Tuesday 16 July 2-3 pm MDT – Mythbusting Government Procurement
Mythbusting Government Procurement –

Wednesday 24 July 2-3 pm MDT – Introduction to Federal Procurement: The Basics of Selling to the Government of Canada
Introduction to Federal Procurement: The Basics of Selling to the Government of Canada –

Monday 29 July 2-3 pm MDT – Innovation Defense Excellence and Security (IDEaS) Program
Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) Program –

Please share these opportunities broadly through your networks.

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